Albert WiIllemetz was born in a Parisian family , feb.14th 1887.

His outstanding ability to say everything in verse, starts from school , where he was simultaneously with Sacha Guitry, his best friend.

CARMEN is the revelation of his vocation at 13 years old : his father, Edouard, asks him to study before...
The author of "Dans la vie, faut pas s'en faire" (do want you want in life...) will obbey his beloved father.

He arrives one hour late to the State Department Concours : the examinator replies : " do you think you are in the administration yet ?"

The end of the 14-18 war starts with PHI-PHI and many other sucessful musical comedies. It is interesting for non present successful authors to notice that the coming of PHI-PHI was not an immediate success.

Sacha Guitry, Yvonne Printemps, Albert and his wife Jeanne are the best friends. Holidays, Revues, Theatre, Musicals ... Sacha will include Albert, Jeanne and inclusive their son Claude in his first films.

Albert Willemetz with Sacha Guitry

Many sucesses : musicals, songs for Maurice Chevalier, Mistinguet... but the second War starts and new times are coming.

With his theater Bouffes Parisiens, he creates main Jean Cocteau plays and in the nice drawing on the left page, you can read " Merci " with a great " M " ("THANKS"): the date of 1941 speaks by itself...

Ending the war, Albert Willemetz will dedicate most of his time to help people : he becomes president of the French SACEM from 1945, then of CISAC.

In 1951, he creates the Charity "Comité du Coeur " to help actors and artist. Maurice Chevalier will give his house of Cannes, an important real estate , to this charity.

He is the only president of SACEM and CISAC not to be able to read music .
Incredible qualities of organisation, thanks to its excellent studies and important position in Ministery during Clemenceau, helps a lot to reach mayor achievements for authors protection.

His son Claude is administrateur of the theater Bouffes Parisiens and later of the Théâtre de la Michodière with Yvonne Printemps and Pierre Fresnay.

Claude has a son Albert : the reception for the recent born child gathers more than 1000 friends of Albert Willemetz . What a wonderful life to have reach to get so many friends !

drawing by Jean Cocteau 1941

After this résumé, now the Complete historical information